I don't know exactly why but it's been quite difficult to get up early in the morning. Maybe I am 'over' relaxed... It was a rainy and gloomy morning but the metro was full of cheerful people. I placed my mat on the usual spot and started practising directly. My belly felt full and uncomfortable. Why did I eat that vegan yoghurt after 10pm!!!!! I really took time in surya namaskar. I am really enjoying my practice after I quit my full-time job and after I came back to Brussels from Mysore. I feel more at ease and there is no pressure. I love Lynne's energy and am grateful for what I receive from her. My body felt heavy so I didn't jump back that much. There was nothing new in my 'asana' practice. I just felt deeper in each posture today. Lynne even helped me cross my ankles in supta kurmasana. Drop back and come up was much more stable than I'd imagined. My come up from the third urdhva dhanurasana was quite good actually. I felt super super super stable in sirsasana and wanted to stay very long but I think I took only like 50 and 30 each. Lynne and I talked a bit about London and acupuncture treatment before I left the room. I felt nourished and energised so the rainy and gloomy weather didn't really bother me.
At Ashtanga Yoga Brussels on 10/3/20 (Tue) from 07:00 to 08:40
Teacher: Lynne